WhatsApp recently unveiled its support for HD photos, empowering users of the messaging app to maintain the high-definition quality of the images they share with their contacts. In a recent announcement, the company revealed that HD video support would also be introduced in the near future. Today, TechCrunch confirmed that WhatsApp has commenced the rollout of HD video support for both iOS and Android users. Much like the HD photos feature, the HD videos capability enables users to choose to share videos in high definition on WhatsApp. In the past, videos with high resolution were automatically compressed to 480p, adhering to the app's previous resolution constraint. However, with the new update, users now have the option to transmit their videos in HD, albeit limited to a maximum of 720p. The process for sharing HD videos mirrors that of sharing HD photos. After selecting the desired video or videos for sharing, users can tap the newly introduced HD button located at the top of th...